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Used To Love

  • Artist:

  • Martin Garrix & Dean Lewis

  • Genre:

  • Dance

  • File Size:

  • 1 MB

  • Type:

  • m4a

  • Downloads:

  • 276

  • Date Uploaded:

  • February 15, 2021

  • Rating:

  • 3.5 Star(s)

About The Artist

In May 2019, when Garrix injured his ankle, his doctors ordered him to take two weeks off before resuming his tour. After his surgery, his friend and co-producer Albin Nedler visited him at the hospital. At that time the DJ confessed to him that he was writing the song from afar with Dean Lewis. A few days later, the singer came to Amsterdam, Netherlands to finish writing it and start recording it. When he arrived on 17 June, Garrix and Lewis shared their meeting with their fans by posting a photo of themselves on Instagram. It showed them in a short boat hanging out by the water canals in Amsterdam and was accompanied by the comment "I live for days like this!" left by Garrix. In the studio, Lewis played the role of singer and guitarist. But he had just finished a long tour that injured his voice, which led him to save it for the second day of recordings and start by recording his guitar parts. He later claimed that the chorus of "Used to Love" is one of the highest vocal lines and that the single is one of the most challenging ones he has worked on. When he recorded his vocals he was led to make several attempts to get the right vocal balance and the right notes without forcing his voice. During the following months, both artists were busy creating new music in Garrix's studio based in Amsterdam. Then, from 7 to 8 September was taking place Garrix's fifth anniversary of Lollapalooza Berlin. It was at this time that the DJ officially revealed that the song was set to be released at the end of October. To accompany his announcement, he added, "This track was made during my break while I was recovering from my ankle injury. Dean and I are super excited to share it with the world!" On 25 October, he posted via his social media the cover of the song, unveiling its release date. After the release, Dean Lewis talked about his collaboration, saying: “Since my career began, collaborations never felt like something I saw myself pursuing. As a song writer, who also sings, the entire concept just felt foreign. Until I met Martin. We spent about a week together locked behind closed doors in Amsterdam working on a song, which thought might end up be sung by someone else. But as the track progressed is started to sound a lot like me, but also very Martin. It's a real collaboration with a guy who's now become a great friend. ” — Dean Lewis, speaking about his collaboration with Martin Garrix,